Информация о вакансии
Allied Health Assistant

Вид занятости: Полная занятость
Продолжительность работы:
Диапазон зарплаты: $ по договорённости - в месяц
Вакансия из области: Медицина и фармацевтика
для специалистов: Медсёстры, медбратья
Опубликовано: 2024-12-12
Почтовый индекс:
Минимальное образование: Колледж
Минимальный опыт: Менее 1 года
Пол: Не имеет значения
Возраст: от - до
Рабочая виза: Шенген
Статус вакансии
Начало публикации: 2024-12-12
Окончание публикации: 2025-06-12
Свободных мест: 1
Число просмотров: 390
Дальнейшие действия: Отправьте мне Ваше резюме

Контакты работодателя доступны только для авторизованных пользователей: Авторизация & Регистрация

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Part-Time, 0.6 FTE, Ongoing
Work for a multi-award-winning iconic community health organisation
Generous salary packaging options to reduce your cohealth taxable income
So why cohealth?

cohealth leads the way in reducing health and social inequity in partnership with people and the communities in which they live. Named Premier's Health Service of the Year (Primary) and the Supporting LGBTIQ+ Health Service at the Victorian Public Healthcare Awards, cohealth's 1000 staff demonstrate courage, leadership, innovation, and agility in their commitment to providing inclusive and culturally safe health services that protect the human rights of all people of all gender identities, sexualities, ages, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, faiths, and abilities.

Our inclusive workplace culture enables staff to bring their whole selves to work, where uniqueness is valued, and people experience a feeling of belonging. Our aim is for everyone to thrive in their role. Please click here to find out more.

About the role

The Allied health Assistant at cohealth works in close collaboration with Allied Health professionals and is responsible for quality community-based services to individuals and groups within our community. This position will work closely with our Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology programs and Occupational Therapists and with the wider multidisciplinary team.

The Allied Health Assistant may be required to work across other cohealth locations.

Please refer to the Position Description for more information.

Your duties include:

Provide home and centre-based appointments for clients with a wide range of medical conditions, disabilities, older people and their carers
Provide high quality Allied Health Assistant service to individual clients and groups of clients
Contribute to and participate in health education and promotion programs aimed at maximising good health and preventing illness
Maintain and complete client files and statistical/program records in keeping with the organisation's policy and funding requirements
What cohealth offers:

Exciting Parental leave benefits
cohealth offers primary carers 14 weeks paid parental leave upon completion of only 6 months of continuous service
Eligible co-workers will continue to receive superannuation on unpaid parental leave as well
Novated Leasing available
Counselling services for you and your immediate family through our EAP-Access provider, and mindfulness, resilience, and wellbeing programs
We offer inclusion, equality, and opportunity in a workplace where making a difference counts (based on our guiding principles and values)
Our ideal candidate:

Completion of a Certificate IV Allied Health Assistant, or other relevant qualification
Experience as Allied Health Assistant in a health setting

The capacity to run an effective exercise group program with people of varying skills

Demonstrated understanding and commitment to the principles of community health and chronic disease management.

Application Process

Interested in this position, then Click on apply now to be directed to our careers page. You will be asked to upload your CV/ resume and Cover Letter. We will be conducting interviews for this role as applications are received. This campaign will close on the mentioned date at 10.00 PM.

All appointments are made subject to a satisfactory Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC), a Working With Children Check (WWCC), complete a Pre-Employment Declaration Form, evidence of legal rights to work in Australia, and evidence of vaccination against COVID-19 (3 doses).

Successful applicants will be required to provide evidence of immunisation assessment including Influenza within 12 weeks of commencement [B]. This is in accordance with the Victorian Minister of Health Mandatory Vaccination Orders for COVID-19 and legislated requirement for influenza vaccinatio

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Англия (248)Северный Рейн-Вестфалия (235)Нью-Йорк (168)Баден-Вюртемберг (154)Бавария (140)Нижняя Саксония (136)Онтарио (133)Иль-де-Франс (116)Гессен (111)Ломбардия (79)Московская область (66)Братиславский край (56)Трнавский край (52)Валенсия (50)Среднечешский край (49)Аттика (48)Саксония (47)Кампания (46)Мазовецкое воеводство (45)Вена (44)Бранденбург (43)Рейнланд-Пфальц (42)Лацио (42)Шлезвиг-Гольштейн (41)Венето (40)Каталония (40)Нижняя Австрия (39)Британская Колумбия (35)Силезское воеводство (35)Альберта (31)Южная Голландия (31)Пьемонт (29)Жилинский край (29)Андалусия (29)Саар (29)Саксония-Анхальт (28)Тренчинский край (28)Нижнесилезское воеводство (27)Лодзинское воеводство (27)Эмилия-Романья (26)Верхняя Австрия (26)Северная Голландия (26)Великопольское воеводство (26)Тюрингия (25)Тоскана (25)Северный Брабант (25)Квебек (24)Апулия (23)Западно-Поморское воеводство (23)Банскобистрицкий край (23)Сицилия (22)Цюрих (22)Нитранский край (21)Новый Южный Уэльс (21)Гелдерланд (20)Мадрид (20)Штирия (19)Тироль (18)Мекленбург-Передняя Померания (18)Ленинградская область (18)

Вакансии по специальности
Бухгалтерия, финансы и аудит (74)Административная работа (86)Агенты, курьеры (47)Сельское хозяйство (58)Архитектура (9)Автобизнес (287)Банки, биржи, инвесткомпании (5)Уход за престарелыми и инвалидами (212)Клининг сервис, уборка (492)Компьютер, программинг (17)Строительство (769)Консалтинг (2)Повара, кулинары, пекари (285)Культура (0)Дизайн (26)Водители (303)Энергетика, электрика (169)Инженерия (46)Мебель, сборка, ремонт (65)Гувернантки и садовники (12)Парикмахеры и визажисты (68)Гостиничный бизнес (96)Бытовые и коммун. услуги (15)Управление персоналом (7)Страхование (6)Интернет Информ-технологии (10)Юриспруденция (4)Разнорабочие (205)Благоустройство (16)Логистика (48)Эксплуатация зданий (7)Менеджмент (49)СМИ: пресса, радио, ТВ (3)Медицина и фармацевтика (176)Разное (54)Воспитание, уход за детьми, няни (109)Разовая работа и халтуры (0)Операторы (112)Художники (1)Полиция, армия, флот (0)Полиграфия (2)Реклама, маркетинг, PR (16)Снабжение (5)Производство (562)Охрана (7)Государственная служба (0)Издательства (0)Недвижимость (33)Ремонт аппаратуры (4)Ресторанный бизнес (258)Розничная торговля (175)Наука и образование (6)Секретариат (10)Безопасность (1)Сервисные центры (84)Индустрия развлечений (13)Певцы и музыканты (1)SPA, салоны красоты (173)Физкультура и спорт (6)Складское хозяйство (316)Работа для студентов (2)Портные и швеи (54)Педагоги, воспитатели (14)Техники (248)Связь и телекоммуникации (26)Туризм и экскурсии (8)Торговля оптовая и сбыт (17)Переводчики, лингвисты (1)Работа на дому (151)
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