CV-uri a specialiști în domeniul
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Ultimi CV cu fotografie
Problem Solving, Leadership, Good Communication Skills, Management Skills MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)
sidelka Резюме на вакансию: Gornichnoy;Sidelki
Фамилия: Hasanova
Имя: Samira
Отчество: Mahmud
Пол: женский
Возрастная группа: 45-54
Город: Baku
Заработная плата: 1500 -2000 euro
Тип работы: постоянная
Тип занятости: полный рабочий день
График работы: свободный график+выходные
Есть возможность выезда за рубеж
Владение компьютером: опытный пользователь
Владение иностранными языками: deutsch,russkiy,tureckiy,azerbaydshankiy
Дополнительные умения (не по заявленному профилю): Pishu kartini maslom, prepodayu uroki akademicheskogo risunka i jivopisi , lyublyu gotovit, gotovlyu vkusno, laju s lyudmi lyubogo vozrasta, v ekstremalnih sluchayah ne teryayu spokoystviya, ne poddayus panike, delayu ukoli, lyublyu zabotitsya, obladayu fotograficheskoy pamyatyyu, bistro koncentriruyus, nastoychiva,spravlyayus s lyuboy postavlennoy zadachey, samodostatochna, otvetstvenna,punktualna.
Опыт работы по заявленному профилю: 6-9 let
Участие в крупных проектах по заявленному профилю: Azerbaydshan,Baku, 5 zvezdochnie hoteli: “Excelsior” 2011-2013 na pozicii gornichnoy,”Golden Coast” s 2013 po nineshnee vremya na pozicii gornichnoy,dalee i po segodnyashniy den meneger Housekeeping
Контакт : +99451 733 07 93(WhatsApp); + 99455 958 36 21(zvonit posle 19.00)
Дополнительная информация:Vdova,dvoe detey 25 i 16 let,lyublyu: chistotu, poryadok, jivotnih, zabotitsya o lyudyah
Работник склада (Trabajador de almacén) Resumen en el cargo de Trabajador de almacén
Horario: Llenoprimer día de trabajo, horario flexible
Empleo: Llenoaja, parcial
Ochkan Roman
Edad: de 3a 5 años
Sexo: Masculino
estado Civil: casado / a, los niños tienen
Nacionalidad: ucrania
Ciudad de residencia: año de alicante
Celular. teléfono: 624988475
Experiencia y habilidades profesionales
La experiencia general de trabajo de la especialidad: 5 años
12.2017 — 10.202
Cargo: Trabajador de la almacén, de las montañas. Simferopol
· Realizaba la recepción, etiquetado, almacenamiento y movimiento de productos, garantizando el buen funcionamiento del almacén;
· Comprobaba la certificación de la mercancía, controlaba las fechas de caducidad de los productos, la acompañó en el rechazo y la cancelación;
· recopiló los pedidos en base a las facturas;
· Realizó el levantamiento y la manipulación.
· Hacía el análisis de la mercancía y la introducía la información en la base de datos;
Logros profesionales
en la organización de la contabilidad, almacén y despacho de TMC;
en la distribución, la colocación y la colocación de ТМC en el almacén, así como en el manejo de la mercancía en función de su clase y categoría.
con una amplia gama de mercancía (más de 5.000 unidades);
en la organización y celebración ordinarias y especiales de los inventarios.
la formalizacin de los inventarios de los documentos adjuntos;
control de inventario de la técnica (palets, montacargas);
el trabajo en los programas de 1C: WMS, logística, ЕКАМ, Manhattan Scale, WMS, logística Vision Suite.
La educación
Nivel: Superior
2009 el año
tipo de formación: Presencial
ТНУ ellos. S. I. vernadsky
Económico de la
Profesión: la Económica, la cibernética
Para obtener más información
El conocimiento de idiomas extranjeros
Ruso el idioma — nivel técnico
El idioma ucraniano — nivel técnico
Inglés — nivel básico
Cualidades personales
La mente analítica y buena memoria, conпособность a la manipulación de grandes volúmenes de información, la exactitud y la disciplina, la capacidad de concentración en la solución de problemas y de trabajar en modo multitarea.
La honestidad y la honradez, la sociabilidad y la buena voluntad, el estrés, conамокритичность y la reacción adecuada de la crítica.
pedagogie, educatrice, aide-soignante..
финансист, инженер-строитель
WAREHOUSE AND SALES AJMAL NIZHAD.P Mobile # 00971508426435 Email: - Sky pee- ajoos1
Objective: To become a team player of a progressive organization in which I can contribute with my skills and experiences to enhance my own productivity and achieve organizational objective. I don’t compromise on the quality.
I am…. Well experienced in warehouse operations Strong confidence, Hardworking, Able to perform, Excellent communication skills, Team player Ability to operate all warehouse Equipments.( Fork Lift, Re-Struck ,L.L.O.P) Saudi Arabian driving license & Indian Light Vehicle driving license
o Knowledge about Safety work at work place o Quality work without error with achieving company target with good quality o Team player & problem solving skill
Pre Degree from Govt. College Malappuram(Calicut University) Travel and Tourism Management Diploma from Akbar Travels Of India Institute. SSLC Passed from M.S.P.HS Malappuram (Attested from U.A.E Consulate)
Quality work training under the Caterpillar Logistic International
A diligent, pro-active, physically fit and task focused Worker High levels of stamina and physical fitness lifting heavy loads, Fluent in English, Flexible and adaptable to changing surroundings, Working long hours in all weather conditions, Assisting trades, helping with deliveries, maintaining clean site, Digging foundations, pits and trenches , Trustworthy, dependable and reliable, Willingness to learn new skills
Customs service Goal: to Get an interesting job in the specialty with a decent salary and career prospects.
Education: 2011-2015-al-Farabi Kazakh national University. Law faculty. Specialty: "Customs", higher education, diploma with honors. GPA-3.9
2015-2017 - new economic University named after T. Ryskulov (NARKHOZ), master of law in "Customs", diploma with honors. GPA-3.81
Work experience and acquired professional skills issued manuals:
Practice, professional development: Passed training and production practice in the Department of Customs control of Almaty, June (2012); June-July (2013); production practice in the Department of State Revenue in Almaty, (January-March 2015); production practice In the center of Customs clearance - " Almaty-CTO "(January-February 2017)," Almaly - CTO " (February-March 2017), in the Department of State Revenue in Almaty (March - may 2017).
Participation in the customs inspection of goods, checking for compliance with the data specified in the declarations.
September 2017-September 2019
Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz; - teacher of the Department of General legal and special disciplines (teaching in three languages).
Subjects taught:
1) Criminal law (special part) - in Russian;
2)Liability for offenses in the sphere of customs business - in the Kazakh language;
3) History of state and law of foreign countries-in Russian;
4) History of customs Affairs and customs policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan - in Kazakh;
5) Fundamentals of anti-corruption - in English;
6)Legal and economic aspects of anti-corruption - in English;
7) Legal and customs regulation of foreign trade -in three languages;
8) organization of customs control of goods and vehicles - in three languages;
9) Customs infrastructure and warehousing-in two languages;
10)Customs clearance-in three languages
11)Public international law-in English;
12) Fundamentals of law-in English;
13) Contract law-in the Kazakh language.
On may 2018, she released an electronic textbook on the discipline "organization of customs Affairs»;
On June 2018, the company published a Dictionary of legal terms in Kazakh, English, Russian and Latin»;
On may 2019, she developed and recorded a massive online open course for students and teachers on the discipline "organization of customs control of goods and vehicles"
April 2018-participated in the International week of the University of applied Sciences.J. Kodolani (Budapest, Hungary) - ERASMUS+ program
April 2019-Participated in the conference, gave lectures in English for foreign students and faculty of the University of applied Sciences.J. Kodolani (Budapest, Hungary) - ERASMUS+ program grant
October 2018-conducting trainings on "Criminal and legal problems of countering illicit trafficking of narcotic and psychotropic substances and their analogues across the customs border of the Republic of Kazakhstan" at the al-Farabi Kazakh national University and the Narkhoz University College of Economics (72 hours), Almaty
January 2019-internship in UTK DGD in Karaganda region (72 hours)
December 2018 - seminar in KEUK, "Methodology of scientific research" (3 hours)
October 2018-IPRbooks-workshop on "Modern information technologies in education", al-Farabi Library, Almaty
June 2018-English language course-ADVANCED LEVEL 1, center for multilingual education, Karaganda
January 2018-internship in the October police Department of the Karaganda police Department (40 hours)
January 2018-internship at the Gylym Research and education center (40 hours)
Personal quality: Responsible, I have organizational skills ( I was an adviser to an academic group of students for 2 years), I am sociable, I easily find a common language with people, I can work in a team.
CV-ul pe categorii
Auto, transport, camioane (118)
Activități administrative (265)
Arhitectura (17)
Bănci, burse, societății de investiții (10)
Siguranță (13)
Contabilitate, Finanțe și Audit (45)
Servicii comunale (16)
Educație, îngrijirea de copii, babysitting (206)
Ospitalitate (97)
Guvernante și gradinari (48)
Servicii publice (4)
Designul (19)
Editori (2)
Industria de Divertisment (7)
Inform tehnologii bazate pe Internet (42)
Consultanță (2)
Calculator, programare (13)
Frizeri și artiști de machiaj (7)
Cultura (7)
Logistica (30)
Publicitate, Marketing, PR (12)
Medicină și Farmaceutică (45)
Știință și Educație (25)
Imobiliare (4)
Comerț cu ridicata și de vânzări (18)
Protecție (9)
Tipărire (4)
Producere (228)
Lucru pentru studenti (11)
Munca la domiciliu (62)
Restaurante (58)
Comerţul cu amănuntul (22)
Telecomunicații (12)
Secretariat (5)
Agricultură (62)
Centre de servicii (5)
Depozitare (27)
Alimentare (4)
Poliția, armată (1)
Cultură fizică și sport (17)
Media: presa, radio, TV (12)
Construcția și renovarea de apartamente (348)
Tururi şi excursii (45)
Resurse Umane (14)
întreţinere a clădirilor (6)
Muncă pe un timp (7)
Meseriași (158)
Jurisprudență (6)
Diverse (559)
Lucru pe Internet (6)
Energie, electricieni (86)
Bucătari (69)
Reparare de echipament (6)
Conducătorii auto (117)
Mobilier, montaj, reparare (30)
Îngrijire de pensionare (88)
Ameliorare (7)
Agenți, curierii (5)
Profesori, educatori (19)
Traducători, lingviști (17)
Pictorii (9)
Cântăreți, muzicieni și artiști (4)
Operatori (8)
SPA, saloane de înfrumusețare (35)
Croitori și cusătorese (12)
Servicii de curățare (35)
Managementul (10)
Inginerie (15)
Tehnicieni (6)
Locuri de muncă dupa țară
Informatii utile
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