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Informațiile mele
To obtain a position like a Receptionist, Animator, Children Animator, Hostess and any position related to tourism sphere. Also I want to apply my skills as creativity, curiosity, sociability in my work. -
Ex elettricista industriale
Salve, mi chiamo Gennaro Esposito. Sono italiano e vivo in Italia. Sono sposato senza figli. Cerco lavoro nell'est europa, ne sono attratto. Lavoravo come elettricista industriale in Italia ed in Ungheria per Mercedes AMG. Non voglio più fare l'elettricista ma sono alla ricerca di lavoro nell'ambito della sicurezza o poter aiutare le persone disabili. Mi metto alla vostra disposizione, posso fare anche turni notturni. Grazie. -
Помощник руководителя, Ресепшионист, Администратор, Продавец-консультант, Менеджер дизайн проекта
Olena Melnychenko PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of birth: October 19, 1980 Sex: Female Marital status: Single Citizenship: Ukraine Mobile phone: +38 (093) 023-11-12 E-mail address: EDUCATION British Higher School of Art and Design (2012-2014) Moscow, Russia Course: Basic Course of Interior Design Qualification: Interior designer Institute of Philology of Kyiv National T. Shevchenko University (2006-2007) Kiev, Ukraine MA: Japanese language and literature (major), English language (minor) Qualification: Teacher of Japanese and English languages and literature, interpreter Kyiv University “Shidnyi Svit” (2002-2006) Kiev, Ukraine BA: Japanese language and literature (major), English language (minor) Qualification: Teacher of Japanese language and literature PROFESSIONAL SKILLS PC: Professional user. Windows, MS Office, Internet. AutoCAD, Archi CAD, Adobe Photoshop. Driving license category B. WORK EXPERIENCE Yoga Instructor (Irpen, Ukraine) Fit’n’Go Fitness club Nov 2019 – now Offline yoga classes (group and personal): - Hatha yoga - ADHO yoga (dynamic and intensive type of yoga) - Stretching Interior Design Project Manager (Kiev, Ukraine) Nov 2018- March 2019 Interior Design studio 'Rediz' - Visiting objects, meeting with the customer, drawing up specification - Control and review of 3D-visualizers and draftsmen’s work - Communication with the customer throughout the project - Detailed check of Auto-CAD plans and 3D-visualizations of the project - Financial account of 3D-visualizers and draftsmen’s work - Project management from A to Z. Interior designer (Russia, Moscow) Freelance July 2014 – May 2017 - Living space interior design projects (AutoCAD plans, Photoshop collages, sketches, specifications of furniture, decoration materials, textile, decors and etc.) - Rooms measurement - Designer supervision of the object - Furniture, construction and decoration material, sanitary equipment purchasing - Communication with builders and suppliers Kyiv University "Shidnyi Svit" (Ukraine, Kiev) Teacher of English and Japanese languages Oct 2009 -June 2010 - Lessons of English and Japanese languages - Test and exams - Educational events and seminars - Concerts and outdoor activities with schoolchildren and students LG Electronics Inc. (Ukraine, Kiev) Marketing manager of TV products Nov 2006 - Feb 2009 - Shop-display monitoring - Co-promotions organization - Product’s trainings development and conduction - Localization and editing of user’s manuals - Market share analysis - POS materials and TVCF production (through Ad agency) - Informational support in ATL/BTL activity - New product launching ceremony - Products web-site filling - Participation in IFA 2008 (Germany, Berlin) Contract job (Japan, Yokohama) Hostess May - Nov 2005 - Greeting guests - Providing customer service - Preparing drinks for the guests - Maintaining a conversation Arena Entertainment, Ltd (Ukraine, Kiev) Administrator Oct 2004 – Apr 2005 - Greeting guests and putting them in a waiting list as necessary - Providing guests with menus and answering any initial questions - Seating guests at tables - Answering phone calls and taking reservations - A knowledge of the menu Contract job (Japan, Tokyo) Hostess Jul 2003 – Jan 2004 - Greeting guests - Providing customer service - Preparing drinks for the guests - Maintaining a conversation Contract job (Japan, Tokyo) Hostess Sep 2001 – Mar 2002 - Greeting guests - Providing customer service - Preparing drinks for the guests - Maintaining a conversation Vents, Ventilation Manufacturing Company Personnel manager May - Aug 2001 - Personnel recruitment - Working with such documents as personnel’s hiring and dismissal acts - Making business trips, vacations and hospitals papers - Personnel monthly report - Monthly vacancy’s report to the Employment Agency ABOUT MYSELF Purposeful, responsible, well-organized, hardworking, communicative, punctual, go-getting, reliable, self-motivated. Creative and talented. HOBBIES Yoga, fitness, healthy lifestyle, travelling, design, photography, reading books. -
customs officer
Self-confidence and perseverance The ability to control time Introduction to technology Critical thinking and problem solving skills -
Lagerarbeiter / Packer In Deutschland
Eine gewissenhafte Einstellung gegenüber Arbeit und Kunden, eine technische / analytische Denkweise und die Fähigkeit, nicht standardmäßige und ergonomische Lösungen zu finden, um eine bestimmte Aufgabe zu erfüllen. Zollabfertigung bei verschiedene Zollstellenn in 6 Städten (Luft, Auto, Meer, Verbrauch, Express Transport) Einreihung von Waren in Übereinstimmung mit HS - einer großen Erfahrung mit jeder Nomenklatur, einschließlich Teile von Maschinen, Autos, Klimatechnik, Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Kleidung, Medikamente , einige der verbrauchsteuerpflichtigen Waren, etc ) P Überprüfung und Korrektur von Kundendokumenten (Verträge, AWB, CMR, TIR, Konosament, Rechnungen, technische Dokumentation, Dokumente zur Bestätigung der Einhaltung technischer Qualitätsstandards , Einhaltung von e und Bestätigung von Zollmerkmalen und -modi , Bestätigung von Berechtigungen / Präferenzen) Klärung der Zollgesetze, INCOTERMS , anderer Rechtsakte und Steuern für Kunden , Abgabe von Empfehlungen gemäß den Anforderungen der Außenhandelsaktivitäten Berechnung, Abgrenzung von Zöllen, Zöllen, Steuerbelastungen. Zahlung der erforderlichen Zahlungen in verschiedenen Zahlungssystemen Vollständige Zollabfertigung (einschließlich nicht standardisierter Regelungen - humanitäre Hilfe, vorübergehende Einfuhr, Verarbeitung außerhalb des Zollgebiets) Arbeit in verschiedenen Office und spezialisierte Programme (Office Standard , spezielle Zoll mit Datenbanken - Alta, Steuer, Filler, Artikel , Rechnungswesen - auf Managerebene) -
Motorist la fabricarea betonului , dar pot lucra şi în alte domenii
товаровед, оператор
быстрая обучаемость, усидчивость, владение ПК, коммуникабельность, готова учиться новому. -
Leadership Teamwork Problem-Solving Customer service
Ultimi CV cu fotografie
CV-ul pe categorii
- Auto, transport, camioane (118)
- Activități administrative (265)
- Arhitectura (17)
- Bănci, burse, societății de investiții (10)
- Siguranță (13)
- Contabilitate, Finanțe și Audit (45)
- Servicii comunale (16)
- Educație, îngrijirea de copii, babysitting (206)
- Ospitalitate (97)
- Guvernante și gradinari (48)
- Servicii publice (4)
- Designul (19)
- Editori (2)
- Industria de Divertisment (7)
- Inform tehnologii bazate pe Internet (42)
- Consultanță (2)
- Calculator, programare (13)
- Frizeri și artiști de machiaj (7)
- Cultura (7)
- Logistica (30)
- Publicitate, Marketing, PR (12)
- Medicină și Farmaceutică (45)
- Știință și Educație (25)
- Imobiliare (4)
- Comerț cu ridicata și de vânzări (18)
- Protecție (9)
- Tipărire (4)
- Producere (228)
- Lucru pentru studenti (11)
- Munca la domiciliu (62)
- Restaurante (58)
- Comerţul cu amănuntul (22)
- Telecomunicații (12)
- Secretariat (5)
- Agricultură (62)
- Centre de servicii (5)
- Depozitare (27)
- Alimentare (4)
- Poliția, armată (1)
- Cultură fizică și sport (17)
- Media: presa, radio, TV (12)
- Construcția și renovarea de apartamente (348)
- Tururi şi excursii (45)
- Resurse Umane (14)
- întreţinere a clădirilor (6)
- Muncă pe un timp (7)
- Meseriași (158)
- Jurisprudență (6)
- Diverse (559)
- Lucru pe Internet (6)
- Energie, electricieni (86)
- Bucătari (69)
- Reparare de echipament (6)
- Conducătorii auto (117)
- Mobilier, montaj, reparare (30)
- Îngrijire de pensionare (88)
- Ameliorare (7)
- Agenți, curierii (5)
- Profesori, educatori (19)
- Traducători, lingviști (17)
- Pictorii (9)
- Cântăreți, muzicieni și artiști (4)
- Operatori (8)
- SPA, saloane de înfrumusețare (35)
- Croitori și cusătorese (12)
- Servicii de curățare (35)
- Managementul (10)
- Inginerie (15)
- Tehnicieni (6)