Резюме специалистов в сфере
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Последние резюме с фото
Operator 2013-2016 Egypt Turkey.sport and miniclub animator
2017 Poland.operator
2018 Hungary operator
Looking for permanent permission in Hungary and long term job with carrier possibilities.
Механик Я могу работать все, что угодно
artist, designer
HR менеджер Опыт работы HR менеджером 2 года
Customer Service Team Player, Hard worker, Creativity
executive assistant
2006-2011 Chernihiv faculty of the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Chernigov
Specialist (Management of social cultural activities – Plan, develop and administer activities).
2011 First Kiev courses of foreign languages (Upper-intermediate), Chernigov.
2015-2016 First Computer Academy "STEP",
Specialization: Computer graphics (Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, photo editing).
2018- 2019 Languages classes (french)
Professional Experience:
2015- Limited Liability Company “MANUFACTURING AND COMMERCIAL COMPANY “ADI” Translator-Executive assistant (English), Slavutych.
§Translation of technical and as-built documentation, official documents, memos, reports, etc.;
§Business correspondence;
§Control, scanning, registering, archiving of documents.
Took part in projects:
2017-2018 - «Diesel fuel storage tanks» cooperation with Novarka (VINCI Construction Grands Projets and Bouygues Travaux Publics);
2016-2017 - «Fabrication of the racks for corrosion monitoring system of the NSC Arch bearing structures» for the Shelter project cooperation with Novarka;
«Development of the Working Documentation for the steel structures of the Technological Building and NSC Auxiliary Facilities» for the Shelter project cooperation with Novarka;
2015-2016 - «Fire water pump station» cooperation with Novarka (VINCI Construction Grands Projets and Bouygues Travaux Publics);
2014-2015 SP Delicatniy P.M. shop "Cinderella" - Florist, store administrator, Slavutich, Ukraine
Responsible for order of goods, work in the salesroom: control for visual merchandising and cleanness of the salesroom, assortment planning, make an inventory, organization of trouble-free shop operation.
2013 Executive Committee of Slavutych municipal council – Clerk of the archive department
(1 month) (public works), Slavutych, Ukraine
On this period I was faced with the goal of creating a telephone directory, analyzing information about residents of the city and enterprises, streamline of it, and making a sample. I coped well with the task well before the planned dates, for which I received a letter of recognition from a mayor of the city of the city.
2013 PJSC "Alfa-Bank" in Chernihiv - Junior specialist of the servicing department and
(5 month) salesof banking products, Ukraine
Provided advice to customers on the available bank products;
Provided assistance in resolving the issues related to the use of bank products;
I had made phone calls on existing customer base (100 calls per day at a standard of 80) in order to offer new services/products.
2012-2013 Fitness club "Ai da ya" - Administrator of reception, Chernigov, Ukraine
Had organized club uninterrupted work, had accepted payment for services, kept records of club attendance, and advised clients on services, this helped to increase sales of gym memberships. Also had supported the work of a site and filled it with content.
Українська (oral and written)
Русский (oral and written)
English (good skils)
Français (begginer)
Computer skills:
Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer and Adobe Photoshop
Hobbies :
Jogging, snowboarding, lifting and meeting new cultures
Мастер по декоративной штукатурке ПК,Fotoshop,Solidworks, Asrpp/asrpb,C1
Резюме по категориям
Автобизнес (118)
Административная работа (265)
Архитектура (17)
Банки, биржи, инвесткомпании (10)
Безопасность (13)
Бухгалтерия, финансы и аудит (45)
Бытовые и коммун. услуги (16)
Воспитание, уход за детьми, няни (206)
Гостиничный бизнес (97)
Гувернантки и садовники (48)
Государственная служба (4)
Дизайн (19)
Издательства (2)
Индустрия развлечений (7)
Интернет Информ-технологии (42)
Консалтинг (2)
Компьютер, программинг (13)
Парикмахеры и визажисты (7)
Культура (7)
Логистика (30)
Реклама, маркетинг, PR (12)
Медицина и фармацевтика (45)
Наука и образование (25)
Недвижимость (4)
Торговля оптовая и сбыт (18)
Охрана (9)
Полиграфия (4)
Производство (228)
Работа для студентов (11)
Работа на дому (62)
Ресторанный бизнес (58)
Розничная торговля (22)
Связь и телекоммуникации (12)
Секретариат (5)
Сельское хозяйство (62)
Сервисные центры (5)
Складское хозяйство (27)
Снабжение (4)
Полиция, армия, флот (1)
Физкультура и спорт (17)
СМИ: пресса, радио, ТВ (12)
Строительство (348)
Туризм и экскурсии (45)
Управление персоналом (14)
Эксплуатация зданий (6)
Разовая работа и халтуры (7)
Разнорабочие (158)
Юриспруденция (6)
Разное (559)
Работа в интернете (6)
Энергетика, электрика (86)
Повара, кулинары, пекари (69)
Ремонт аппаратуры (6)
Водители (117)
Мебель, сборка, ремонт (30)
Уход за престарелыми и инвалидами (88)
Благоустройство (7)
Агенты, курьеры (5)
Педагоги, воспитатели (19)
Переводчики, лингвисты (17)
Художники (9)
Певцы и музыканты (4)
Операторы (8)
SPA, салоны красоты (35)
Портные и швеи (12)
Клининг сервис, уборка (35)
Менеджмент (10)
Инженерия (15)
Техники (6)
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