Информация за работа
Website Content Production Coordinator

Вид заетост: Пълна заетост
Продължителност на работата:
Диапазон заплата: $ по споразумение - на месец
за специалисти: Уеб администратори
Публикувано: 2024-04-17
Пощенски код:
Minimum Education: Висше
Minimum Experience: 3 години
Пол: Няма значение
Възраст: от - до
Работна виза: Шенген
Започнете публикуването: 2024-04-17
Край на публикуването: 2024-10-17
Свободни места: 1
Брой показвания: 1484
По-нататъшни действия: Изпратете ми Вашето CV

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Страна: Австралия

Seeking a Website Content Production Coordinator who is meticulously organised, detail-oriented, and thrives in collaborative environments, with a strong stakeholder management.

The Website Content Production Coordinator plays a crucial role in ensuring the timely and accurate delivery of job role content (both text and images) for two website projects – ADF Careers and the Defence Careers Discovery Centre (DCDC).

Details about the Client

ADF Careers is the largest workforce outsourcing solution in the southern hemisphere with over 80,000 applications received on average each year.

ADF Careers is on a mission to recruit the right people, in the right numbers, at the right time to support the Australian Defence Force to build, sustain and maximise Defence capability.

Our people are our greatest asset. We recognise and respect our people’s need to work in ways that support their careers, families, and lifestyle. That’s why we offer flexible working arrangements, learning pathways, additional leave entitlements and extensive corporate discounts across a variety of product and services. We want our people to be financially rewarded; to feel good and to go beyond what they thought possible at work.

Be you, and we’ll be better together.

To find out more about our great employee benefits and what it’s like to be part of the team, reach out to our friendly talent acquisition team.

Job Description

As the Website Content Production Coordinator, you will coordinate the production, review and approval processes for the job role content of the ADF Careers and DCDC websites while ensuring standards are applied in relation to the consistency and quality of content being produced and reviewed. Attention to detail, strong organisational skills, exceptional stakeholder management skills and the ability to manage large volumes of content (text and images) simultaneously are essential for success in this role.

You will:

Coordinate the content production process including review and approval, ensuring alignment with project timelines and objectives.
Liaise with the content creation agency to ensure content is produced and delivered in line with agreed timelines, and ensure feedback provided to the agency is implemented within agreed timelines.
Manage Subject Matter Experts from the ADF, internal reviewers including brand team and digital team and approving stakeholders to ensure content is written, reviewed and approved within agreed timeframes.
Manage content batch plan schedules, and production timelines to ensure timely delivery of content reviews.
Manage multiple documents and images ensuring strict tracking and version control. It is estimated there could be over 150 individual documents in flight at any one point in time.
Ensure adherence to content guidelines, tone of voice guidelines and style guides, and best practices to uphold brand consistency and quality standards across every piece of content.
Conduct quality assurance checks to ensure all comments from reviewers are actioned and closed out ensuring accuracy, relevance, and adherence agreed guidelines.
Coordinate meetings to discuss, close out or escalate reviewers comments to project, brand and digital and Services representatives where agreement cannot be reached within allotted timeframes.
Identify and escalate risks to successful completion of work within the agreed timeframes.
Content entry into the DCDC content management system including formatting, tagging, and final approval workflows.
Maintaining and actioning a change log, of job roles to be actioned at the end of the content production process.
Candidate’s Profile

If you have worked in a similar position or looking for your next opportunity that will make an impact, we want to speak with you.

Your background will demonstrate:

Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with an eye for detail and accuracy.
Ability to multitask, prioritise tasks, and meet tight deadlines in a fast-paced environment.
Strong stakeholder management skills, and the ability to mediate and or escalate when consensus cannot be reached.
Background in project management, content management, proof reading or communications desirable but not essential
To apply for this position, you must be an Australian citizen and have the ability to maintain an Australian AGSVA security clearance.

How to apply

If eligible, please submit your resume; applications are open to all qualified Australian citizens regardless of their background, identity, experiences and beliefs.

Please connect with us at any time during the recruitment process for a confidential conversation if you require assistance to participate fully in our recruitment process.

To apply for this position, please submit your application online through our designated platform. The deadline for applications is 11:30 PM (AEST) on the 17th of May 2024. It's important to note that applications will be reviewed and processed as they are received.

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