Employment Type: Permanent Full Time
Location: Bega
Position Classification: Clinical Nurse Specialist Gde 2
Remuneration: $109,945.46 - $113.556.22 per annum
Hours Per Week: 38
Requisition ID: REQ506690
Applications Close: 3 August 2024Interview Information: Interviews to be held within 10 days of closing date
The Welcome Experience
We know how incredible a life and career in regional NSW can be and we want to make that possibility easier for essential workers and their families who are considering making the move. Whether it’s just an initial enquiry, or you’re ready to pack your bags, The Welcome Experience can provide local advice on what life is like in regional NSW. Workers will be provided with concierge-like service and information tailored to the specific needs of each individual or family. A team member from the NSW Government - Department of Regional NSW called a Local Connector will discuss the concerns, questions and needs of each individual and connect them with the right people and services, to ensure their move and transition into the community is as easy as possible.
To find out more on what it is like to live and work in Regional NSW click here The Welcome Experience. and register your details via The Welcome Experience registration.
Southern NSW Local Health District covers a large area of the southern half of NSW. Surrounding the ACT on three sides and all the way down to the Victorian border, it extends from the pristine beaches of the NSW South Coast, the farmlands of the Southern Tablelands, across the picturesque Great Dividing Range and the spectacular Snowy Mountains. We have 18 facilities and our hospitals take care of more than 200,000 people. As we are a major local employer, our staff are a part of our local communities. To find out more on what it is like to live and work in Southern NSW LHD click here – We Are Southern
What we offer:
• Salary Packaging – up to $9k for living expenses + $2.6k meal & entertainment + Novated leasing
• Corporate Health and Fitness program
• 11% Superannuation on top of your gross income
• Annual Leave Loading
Where you'll be working
There is an abundance of lifestyle benefits available to you in country NSW and you will be amazed at what you will have access to - and it all comes without the queues and crowds of a big city. Bega the rural heartland of the Sapphire Coast halfway between Melbourne and Sydney, a short drive to beautiful sandy beaches and national park wilderness. Just 3 hours to Canberra with the perfect climate to the outdoors all year round, including whale watching between June and November. The pretty valley is a beautiful base for exploring gorgeous beaches, tranquil waterways and beautiful national parks. Imagine Rural - Southern NSW Local Health District
What you'll be doing
The Clinical Nurse Specialist, using best practice evidence provides person-centered specialist nursing care at an advanced practice level for the designated speciality in collaboration with individual/s and the multidisciplinary health care team. Provides clinical leadership, support and supervision for less experienced clinicians to achieve people focused quality care.
Selection Criteria
Current Registration with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) as a Registered Nurse and relevant post-registration qualifications in Theatre nursing with a minimum of three years' experience working in the clinical speciality.
Demonstrated competencies in and knowledge of the complexities and challenges involved in providing speciality nursing care in the context of a multidisciplinary team.
Demonstrate ability to exercise extended autonomy in clinical decision making capabilities and leadership in the development of nursing specialty practice advancement.
Demonstrated effective clinical communication through the use of information technology, written and verbal means and sound interpersonal skills with the capacity to interact with others in a personable and professional manner.
Demonstrated knowledge and application of evidence based practice and critical thinking to advocate for and implement individualised person-centred care at an extended role level with a commitment to quality improvement.
Demonstrated ability to supervise, delegate, and negotiate with others to deliver quality nursing care with a willingness to show leadership and embrace change in the coordination and delivery of care.
Evidence of participation in own professional development, a commitment to maintaining competence and enhancement of skills with a willingness to apply and share professional expertise as a resource person and mentor others within the speciality.
Occupational Assessment, Screening and Vaccination against Specific Diseases
This is a Category ‘A’ position, please read and understand NSW Health policy directive PD2024_015
All new employees must agree to comply with the requirements outlined in this policy. OASV requirements also include proof of vaccination against influenza and is compulsory for NSW Staff that enter any Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) or who work in NSW Health owned and operated RACFs.
Australian Work Rights
Please note that to apply for this position you must be an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Australia or be able to independently and legally live and work in Australia by way of your own Temporary Visa. For more information, please see www.immi.gov.au
Need more information?
1) Click here for the Position Description
2) Find out more about applying for this position
At Southern NSW Local Health District we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer, where we don’t just accept differences but we honour and support it. Committed to providing a working environment that thrives and values diversity, we encourage people of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander background, people with a disability and people from the LGBTQI+ community to apply
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Позиция: Автотранспорт, тежкотоварни превози
Вид заетост: Пълна заетост
Дата: 2025-01-11
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Позиция: Автотранспорт, тежкотоварни превози
Вид заетост: Пълна заетост
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Позиция: Строителство
Вид заетост: Пълна заетост
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Fliesenleger (m/w/d) - Германия, Корбах
Позиция: Строителство
Вид заетост: Пълна заетост
Дата: 2025-01-11
Потрібні люди на меблеве виробництво - Словакия, Братислава
Позиция: Мебели, монтаж, ремонт
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Funcionario Montagem pneus - Португалия, Палмела
Позиция: Автотранспорт, тежкотоварни превози
Вид заетост: Пълна заетост
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Позиция: Електричество и енергетика
Вид заетост: Пълна заетост
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Позиция: Услуги по почистване
Вид заетост: Пълна заетост
Дата: 2025-01-11
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