Панел за управление на работодателя
Моята информация
Образование: Вятский государственный университет - Учитель информатики и английского языка. Опыт работы: Волгателеком/Ростелеком (предоставлен услуг связи: телефония, интернет, телевидение) - 2003-2017 - оператор-кассир, специалист расчетной группы, специалист договорной группы, ведущий специалист по работе с дебиторской задолженностью, начальник участка по расчетам, специалист по маркетингу. Навыки: проведение переговоров, заключение/сопровождение договоров, обучение сотрудников, организация и контроль работы сотрудников, информационно-справочное обслуживание, взыскание дебиторской задолженности, проведение промо-мероприятий, работа с макетами рекламной продукции, работа с подрядчиками по размещению рекламы, контроль наличия и размещения по планограмме рекламной продукции в точках продаж. Дополнительная информация: наличие загранпаспорта, знание иностранных языков (английский-средний уровень, немецкий,испанский-начальный уровень), уверенный пользователь ПК, Microsoft Word, Internet, e-mail. Качества: ответственность, доброжелательность, умение слушать, умение работать в команде, коммуникабельность, вежливость, трудолюбие, активность. Разведена, сын 15 лет, готовность к командировкам/переезду -
Asamblator mobila corp din pallaminat
+ -
Обслуживающий персонал
Владею навыками работы с Microsoft office. Photoshop. -
Tourism, Industries, Factories, Commerce
Experienced employee
Work experience 5 years 7 months March 2019 - Present Superit Moscow, superit.pro Commercial Director I came to the start-up. Organization of work of the sales department from zero. - the creation of all technical documents about the products (instructions, technical specifications, regulations for the work) - creating a communication strategy and its implementation through marketing and PR - creation of product packaging - creating a forecast of product sales - creating a pricing policy for the company - creation of all outgoing documents (templates) - search for contractors for packaging, transportation, marketing services - search, interview and employment of employees - organization of the sales department - training sales managers - reporting - search in a cold customer market - building mutually beneficial relationships with customers - quality control of the department - control of the financial activities of the department - restructuring of expenses in order to increase the profitability of the company - Participation in business breakfasts, conferences and speakers on the topic of "green building" on behalf of the company. - Awarded a certificate from the Green Building Council for his active participation in the environmental activities of the construction industry. - participated as a speaker in the Climate Forum. - active building up business contacts - KP preparation, product presentation - building the structure of work with B2G and B2B. In the course of my work, I studied the concept of "green building materials", as well as "sustainable development", studied the market of dry building mixtures in Russia and Europe, conducted an in-depth analysis on manufacturers, consumption by end customers of products. He negotiated with the main dealers (Leroy Marlene, Petrovich, etc.), searched for agents in the regions, concluded agreements with several. October 2015 - January 2019 3 years 4 months FORIUS Moscow Construction, real estate, operation, Construction and Improvement Project Manager - Interaction with representatives of state regulatory bodies, namely, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Federal Development Commission, the State Construction Committee, the Ministry of Culture and others. - Interaction with design institutes, coordination of primary documentation, introduction of changes to the project, technical consultation of the project. - Prompt decision of administrative issues. - Interaction with contractors, control over the conclusion of contracts, control over the execution of terms, quality and terms of payment. - preparation of documents for participation in tenders for landscaping, civil works and supplies, according to 44FZ and 223FZ. - Build long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with customers, actively attract new customers. - Registration and signing of the full package of IRD. - Coordination of project documentation during the execution of work, amendments to the design documentation, conclusion of additional agreements. - Monitoring procurement plans. - Cost control for the operation of the fleet and fuel and lubricants. - Maintaining accounting documentation. - The conclusion and maintenance of contracts for the provision of services, the procurement of materials and equipment. - Formation of the budget department. Of my achievements, I can note that at the stage of the beginning of my work, there was no department for improvement, I acted as the initiator and recruited more than 10 specialists (managers, procurement, budget estimator, lawyer, accountant). I acted as the inspirer and leader of the process, people follow me. I can find in each potential and its uniqueness, providing the employee with efficient use of his working time. I perfectly cope with the responsibilities of agreeing and amending the budget documentation and the project, I can feel the needs of the customer and offer him the most convenient interaction. I believe that the customer should relax in working with me, so I create the most favorable working atmosphere. I prefer the word - business. June 2014 - September 2015 1 year 4 months EuroCapital Moscow Construction, real estate, operation, design General Contractor Engineer, General Contractor Service • approval of project documentation • selection of contractors for work according to the documentation • organization of work at the facility • control of work • approval of budget documentation, amendments • delivery of work to the customer After graduation, I immediately started to work. My strong point is practical experience acquired over 5 years of work. The acquired knowledge and skills allow me to be competent in decision making at different levels of responsibility. If I am responsible for the case, then I entice others to carry out the tasks. I clearly see the result of the project and always achieve the best possible implementation of the task. I quickly think, easily enter into communication both at the level of administrative bodies, and at the level of project executors. Well, I think I keep a project diary and clearly determine the course of action, I have a good memory. In teamwork, I contribute to the ease and confidence of the participants, I treat everyone with attention, I can abstract myself and look at the situation from the outside. In his new work, he intends to become a specialist of a broader profile, taking responsibility, expanding his capabilities. Ready to prove himself in a different area from the construction. My professional growth is firmly on the application of existing and mastered skills. -
Строителство,Шофьор с Б категория
Driving license,building industry -
Маляр,фасадчик,садовник -
Auxiliar de enfermería
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CV по категория
- Автотранспорт, тежкотоварни превози (118)
- Административна работа (265)
- Архитектура (17)
- Банки, пазари, инвестиционни компании (10)
- Безопасност (13)
- Счетоводство, финанси и одит (45)
- Битови и комунални услуги (16)
- Възпитание, грижа за деца, бавачки (206)
- Хотелиерски бизнес (97)
- Гувернантки и градинари (48)
- Държавна служба (4)
- Дизайн (19)
- Издателства (2)
- Развлекателна индустрия (7)
- Интернет и информационни технологии (42)
- Консултиране (2)
- Компютър, програмиране (13)
- Фризьори и гримьори (7)
- Култура (7)
- Логистика (30)
- Реклама, маркетинг, PR (12)
- Медицина и фармация (45)
- Наука и образование (25)
- Недвижими имоти (4)
- Търговия на едро (18)
- Охрана (9)
- Полиграфия (4)
- Производство (228)
- Работа за студенти (11)
- Надомна работа (62)
- Ресторантски бизнес (58)
- Търговия на дребно (22)
- Връзки и телекомуникации (12)
- Секретариат (5)
- Селско стопанство (62)
- Сервизни центрове (5)
- Складова дейност (27)
- Снабдяване (4)
- Полиция, армия (1)
- Физкултура и спорт (17)
- СМИ: преса, радио, ТВ (12)
- Строителство (348)
- Туризъм и екскурзии (45)
- Управление на човешките ресурси (14)
- Сградна експлоатация (6)
- Еднократна работа и халтура (7)
- Общи работници (158)
- Юриспруденция (6)
- Разни (559)
- Работа в интернет (6)
- Електричество и енергетика (86)
- Готвачи, кулинари (69)
- Ремонт на апаратура (6)
- Шофьорите (117)
- Мебели, монтаж, ремонт (30)
- Грижа за пенсионери (88)
- Благоустройство (7)
- Агенти, куриери (5)
- Педагози, възпитатели (19)
- Преводачи, лингвисти (17)
- Художници (9)
- Певци и музиканти (4)
- Оператори (8)
- SPA, салони за красота (35)
- Шивачи и шивачки (12)
- Услуги по почистване (35)
- Мениджъри (10)
- Инженеринг (15)
- Техники (6)