Информация за работа
Sr. Financial Analyst
InternetJobs Уест Палм Бийч, Флорида, САЩ 98 дни преди

Вид заетост: Пълна заетост
Продължителност на работата:
Диапазон заплата: $ по споразумение - на месец
за специалисти: Корпоративни финанси
Публикувано: 2024-06-01
Пощенски код:
Minimum Education: Висше
Minimum Experience: 3 години
Пол: Няма значение
Възраст: от - до
Работна виза: Шенген
Започнете публикуването: 2024-06-01
Край на публикуването: 2024-12-01
Свободни места: 1
Брой показвания: 254
По-нататъшни действия: Обади ми се

Контакти на работодател са достъпни само за оторизирани потребители: Вход & Регистрация

Информация за работодателя InternetJobs Уест Палм Бийч, Флорида, САЩ
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Страна: САЩ
Регион: Флорида

Robert Half Finance has an open position at a fast-growing company for an outstanding Financial Analyst/Senior Financial Analyst. In this Financial Analyst position, you will conduct financial modeling on various financial products as well as measure, analyze, and forecast performance in conjunction with operating plans. You will also be responsible for advising management on the distribution of resources to best complete objectives and preparing reports for management. You will focus on areas like forecasting, performance reporting, and expense management as a business partner on this dynamic team. As the Financial Analyst, you will be expected to successfully support world class strategic and financial planning methods, build long-range operating plans to support business imperatives and develop rolling forecast processes to ensure resources every quarter are consumed at maximum effectiveness. Along with your main responsibilities, you will assist with operationalizing and cultivating a more data-driven planning process and improved monthly and quarterly reporting. In this role, you will be directly involved in the coordination of various planning cycles (annual planning, quarterly forecasts and monthly outlooks), while providing strategic analyses and recommendations. You will provide variance analysis of bookings, revenues and expenses, clearly explaining the business reasons for variances and adjusting the outlook models to reflect operational adjustments. This position offers a flexible work schedule with ideally 1-2 days a week in the office.


What you get to do every day


- Collaborate with senior executives on strategic deep dives through the development of financial models and insights on topics such as: forecasts, Planning & Tracking, return on investment of strategic investments, event tracking and execution, strategic resource allocation, and prioritization


- Propel monthly reporting to business partners on financial results and actions necessary


- Deliver effective Business Intelligence (BI) to provide valuable foresight and decision support


- Understand and be able to explain internal and external drivers impacting performance and trending


- Support weekly, quarterly and annual Area/Segment-level Bookings and P& L forecasting


- An ideal candidate should be highly flexible, comfortable with large amounts of information, and adept at managing expectations


- Track monthly and quarterly performance through comparison of actuals versus expectations and enable business partners to handle their resources


- Look over performance to date while assessing potential opportunities and risks


- Work closely with cross functional partners in Accounting and Operations to execute against plans


- Work on monthly and quarterly financial close processes in collaboration with the Accounting team


- Produce and manage forecasting reports

Firm understanding of problem solving through statistical analysis or with large data sets highly preferable


- BA/BS degree in finance or a related field


- Demonstrated ability to build and deliver effective presentations to audiences with wide-ranging backgrounds


- 3+ years of experience in problem solving through statistical analysis or with large data sets highly preferable


- Financial reporting experience


- Microsoft Excel experience required


- Proficiency in budget forecasting


- Understanding of Business Intelligence (BI) reporting tools required


- Ability to simplify complex problems and build solutions


- Excellent written, verbal and social communication skills


- Financial planning & analysis (go-to-market experience ideal)


- Candidates with Spreadsheet and ERP system experience will be prioritized

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